16 | Aspirasi: Jurnal Masalah-Masalah Sosial (Sinta 2) | Inovasi Manajemen Perencanaan untuk Peningkatan Mutu Madrasah dalam Situasi Covid-19 | 2022 | https://jurnal.dpr.go.id/index.php/aspirasi/article/view/3001 | 2614-5863 | 13 No. 1 | - |
17 | Jurnal Iqra’ : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan (Sinta 2) | Arabic Learning Design Based on 21st Century Skills during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia | 2022 | https://journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id/index.php/ji/article/view/2235 | 2548-7892 | 7 NO. 2 | - |
18 | Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam | Madrasah-Based Management: Quality Improvement Strategies in Madrasah | 2022 | https://ejournal.unuja.ac.id/index.php/al-tanzim/article/view/3688 | 2549-5720 | 6 No. 4 | - |
19 | Jurnal Andragogi | Implementasi Metode Tahfidz Pakistani Di Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Al Qur’an Al Askar Cisarua Bogor | 2022 | https://jurnalptiq.com/index.php/andragogi/article/view/284 | 2716-0971 | 4 No. 2 | - |
20 | Jurnal Andragogi | Pengaruh Gaya Belajar dan Iklim Sekolah terhadap Tingkat Stres Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Polimedik Depok | 2021 | https://jurnalptiq.com/index.php/andragogi/article/view/157 | 2716-0971 | 3 No. 1 | - |
21 | Kodifikasi: Jurnal Penelitian Islam (Akreditasi Sinta 3) | Persepsi Guru tentang Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin dan Dampaknya terhadap Nasionalisme Pelajar | 2021 | https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/kodifikasia/article/view/2780 | 2527-9254 | 15 No. 1 | - |
22 | International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE) | The Impact Of Virtual Learning Amidst The Covid-19 Pandemic On Students’ Susceptibility To Deviant Behaviour | 2021 | http://proceeding.iainpekalongan.ac.id/index.php/iconie/article/view/172 | - | 1 No. 1 | - |
23 | Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Akreditasi Sinta 2) | Learning Tahfidz Al-Qur'an During the Covid-19 Pandemic | 2021 | http://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/tarbiyah/jpai/article/view/4431 | 2502-2075 | 18 No. 2 | - |
24 | Al Ibtida: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru MI (Akreditasi Sinta 2) | The Integration of Digital Literacy in Learning at Islamic Elementary School to Prevent the Students' Deviant Behavior | 2021 | https://www.syekhnurjati.ac.id/jurnal/index.php/ibtida/article/view/9125 | 2527-7227 | 8 No. 2 | - |
25 | Qalamuna -Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama (Akreditasi Sinta 3) | Dampak Inovasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Karakter Terhadap Pengembangan Karakter Positif di SD Karakter Genius Islamic School Kota Depok | 2021 | https://ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id/index.php/qalamuna/article/view/1066 | 2656-9779 | 13 No. 2 | - |
26 | Jurnal Educative : Journal of Educational Studies (Akreditasi Sinta 3) | The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental Condition and the Need for Psychological Support of Students in Jakarta | 2021 | http://ejournal.iainbukittinggi.ac.id/index.php/educative/article/view/4467 | 2549-4139 | 6 No. 1 | - |
27 | Ta’dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (Sinta 2) | Transformative Leadership to Enhance the Quality of Madrasa in the Covid-19 Outbreak: Learning Organization Perspective | 2021 | http://jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/tadib/article/view/11855 | 2443-2512 | 26 No. 2 | - |
28 | Jurnal Ibriez : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains | Manajemen Pengembangan Kurikulum Seni Budaya di SD Al-Fath Bumi Serpong Damai-Tangerang | 2021 | https://ibriez.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/ibriez/article/view/148 | 2548-4176 | 6 No. 1 | - |
29 | Taqdir Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban | The Impact of Discovery Learning Model Based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Learning Arabic on Students Analytical Thinking Skills | 2021 | http://jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/Taqdir/article/view/9910 | 2621-1157 | 7 No. 2 | - |
30 | STATEMENT: JURNAL MEDIA INFORMASI SOSIAL DAN PENDIDIKAN | Implementasi Metode Islamic Montessori Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pembelajaran Di Tk Islamic Montessori Al Hamidiyah Depok | 2021 | https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/122 | 2089-2640 | 11 No. 1 | - |